Årsmöte STAF

Den 22 mars är dags för årsmöte, i år kommer vi att vara i Göteborg, på Clarion Hotel Post och nedan hittar du inbjudan/program. Vi kommer att få ta del av två bra och intressanta föreläsningar på förmiddagen och sen blir det årsmötesförhandlingar på eftermiddagen innan vi avslutar med mingel och fika. STAF bjuder på hela dagen inkl lunch.
Anmäl ditt deltagande till Ulf Hedqvist senast 15 mars. Maila ulf.hedqvist@tele2.se

STAF Årsmöte 2015
Verksamhetsberättelse 2014

Här hittar du också info om föreläsare och föreläsningar:

Varmt välkommen!

Mvh Styrelsen i STAF

Gratulation /Congratulations

Den Svenska TA-föreningen, STAF, gratulerar Ritva Piiroinen, Finska TA-föreningen, till hennes PTSTA-status. Det betyder mycket för utvecklingen av TA i Finland men även för övriga Norden. Bra gjort, och vi ser fram emot ett gott samarbete i framtiden!

The Swedish TA-association, STAF, wants to congratulate Ritva Piiroinen, from the TA-association i Finland, to her PTSTA-status. It means a lot for the development of TA in Finland as well as in all the Nordic countries. Well done, and we are looking forward to a good cooperation in the future!

Nordic TA Conference 2015 in Åland

Dear TA-friends in Sweden,

We in FinTA are very happy to ask you to come to Åland next spring 17-19.4.2015 and create together with us a great happening, the ”Nordic TA Conference”! The theme of the conference is ”Supporting the Growth” ( in the sense of Physis). See enlosed broschure here: Nordic TA Conference 2015

Here is a list of the current workshop situation, to be completed later:
TA Nordic workshops

The conference will be in Åland, Mariehamn, in a 4 star hotel Arkipelag. Notice, that the conference fee covers everything from the harbor of Stockholm (boat-trips, lunches on the boat and in the hotel, breakfasts, dinners,banquet, accommodation, conference-fee, printed materials) . You will have an opportunity to start the conference already on the boat you Swedes and Norwegians and Danes together – we Finns will come on another boat at the same time and then we will meet on the demilitarized area of Åland in peace. Isn’t that nice during these unstable times!

If you have questions, comments etc., feel free to send them to this email: tanordic2015@gmail.com.


With warm regards on the behalf of FinTA – The Transactional Analysis Association of Finland,

Ritva Piiroinen, President of FinTA

EATA Conference in Rome 2015

We are delighted to invite you to our 1st Theory Development and Research Conference
organized by EATA with all the Italian Associations (AIAT, AUXIMON, CPAT, IANTI,

Beyond the limits: verifying the development of TA theory through research” is the
topic of the Conference that will be held in Rome at Marriott Park Hotel, on 9th, 10th
and 11th, July 2015.

The conference intends to be a meaningful opportunity for exchange, providing a forum
to reflect on the state of the art of TA theory and practice, on its current stage of development, on its strengths, as well as on the directions and areas that can be explored in-depth through research in the future.

Conference Theme:
The conference will be an opportunity to support the development of Transactional Analysis theory, also in connection with other theories, it will also be an opportunity to promote and encourage Transactional Analysis’s research in different fields of application: clinical, counselling, educational and organizational.

The conference intends to be a meaningful opportunity for exchange in providing a forum to reflect on the state of the art of TA theory, on its current stage of development, on its strengths, as well as on the directions and areas that can be explored in-depth through research in the future.

The presentation of experiences and projects will be, at the same time, an opportunity to learn, share and explore methods, tools and different directions of research in Transactional Analysis. Research means both stimulus and resource for “doing” theory.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Rome next July!

Read more at the conference site here