Rapport från marsmöte i EATA i Wien

När vi träffades i Wien var det början till coronatider och ännu inte helt tydligt vad som skulle hända, bara någon vecka senare. Vi var inbjudna av vice presidenten Sylvia Schaffner som bor och arbetar i Wien. Hennes stad, som hon stolt visade upp.

Nästan alla lyckades komma till mötet. Några hade reseförbud av sina arbetsgivare och valde att vara med digitalt istället, vilket fungerade bra. Det var nog första gången vi, som transaktionsanalytiker, valde att inte ge varandra kramar eller att ta i hand. För många en svår uppgift. Men eftersom vi kommer från alla Europas länder var detta nog en bra åtgärd.

Varför träffas vi i mars?
I mars träffas alla kommittéer, både tillsammans och separat. Det är en möjlighet att fördjupa diskussionerna och att också samtala i tvärgrupper. Dessutom träffas de som arbetar som ”language co-ordinators”, vilket är enda gången på året som det sker. Det är härligt att också träffas på riktigt och inte bara digitalt! Torsdag och fredag arbetade kommittéerna för högtryck med examinationer, handbok, utveckling av TA, marknadsföring och mycket, mycket mer. Allt som dyker upp under året och som man behöver samtala om. EATA har en ny hemsida: www.eatanews.org som behöver utvecklas och förbättras. Dessutom har vi nu ett intranät, vilket vi i framtiden ska arbeta med och där vi ska samla alla våra dokument. Tanken är att vi på ett enkelt sätt ska kunna få tillgång till dokument och protokoll, för att se tidigare beslut med vilket datum.

På kvällarna prövade vi det traditionella österrikiska köket tillsamman med en öl eller ett svalt gott vin från regionen. Det är alltid trevligt att träffas och få utbyta tankar och åsikter och att utveckla EATA inför en föränderlig framtid. Nu när jag tänker tillbaka tre veckor, till vårt möte, inser jag att förändringen har varit katastrofal, i ordets rätta bemärkelse. Jag är glad att vi har tillgång till internet med dess utveckling, som gör det möjligt för oss att fortsätta vårt arbete på ett bra sätt.

Under de kommande veckorna kommer vi att ta beslut om hur vi ska göra inför sommarens träff och konferens. Men som vi alla vet, så förändras förutsättningarna dag för dag. Ta hand om er!

Eleonore Lind 27/3 2020

Submission from EAP to the European Commission about the Profession ”Psychotherapist”

For the attention of the European Commission:

Submission for a Common Training Framework
for the Profession of “Psychotherapist”

This paper has been written on behalf of the Board of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) for presentation to the European Commission by:

Patricia Hunt
President Elect of the European Association for Psychotherapy

in association with:
Professor Theodorus Koutroubas
Professor Nevena Calovska
Anne Colgan
Renata Mizerska
Ivana Slavkovic, EAP Registrar


Read the paper here: Submission from EAP to the European Commission 2020

Report from EAP Board meetings in Vienna, 19-22 February 2020

Dear President, dear members of Executive,

In 2018 the European Association for Psychotherapy submitted the Psychotherapy Act to the EUROPEAN COMMISSION in order to gain recognition of the professional status of Psychotherapist.

I recommend that we have this document in pdf. file in EATA web site so that our members could see it.

Further steps of EAP are to submit the Common Training Framework for the Profession of Psychotherapist.

Please find enclosed this document that President elect of EAP Miss Pat Hunt created with working group for submission to the European Commission.  It is a long document of 40 pages.

I propose this document to be sent to Chairs of Committees of EATA and to Delegates.

If they have comments that they wish to make, I ask them kindly to send them directly to me to my e-mail address, I will assemble the comments of EATA and deliver them to Miss Hunt.

Many countries still struggle to prove the scientific validity of psychotherapy in their countries.

We had a recent situation in Spain where our colleagues asked and got the support of EAP.

The recommendation of the Chair of Research committee in EAP is that every association has the list of scientific publications on their web site. Such list is necessary for representatives of the National association when they assert the rights of psychotherapists in front of the Governments in their countries. This issue also has to be considered in TDRC and Communication committee of EATA which can collaborate in this matter.

The recommendation of the Vision and strategy group of EAP was that such list of scientific publications has to be a requirement in the answers to 15 questions that each modality has to submit to EAP in order to be accepted in EAP.

EAP pays special attention to social projects that demonstrate how psychotherapy can help people in crisis. In regard to that EAP created a working group for refugees. The result of their work was the 1st EAP conference for refugees that will be held in Pristina/Kosovo from 17th to 18th October 2020. Please find enclosed programme.

In order to inform all members about news in theory and practice in psychotherapy, EAP made decision that International Journal for Psychotherapy will be delivered in PDF file to all associations of EAP.

EAP will define requirements for getting the EAP Certificate for Supervision. With regard to that I need the pdf file from PTSC committee about EATA’s requirements for Supervisors, to deliver it to EATA Executive in order our standards to be included in EAP standards.

EAP discussed that each association has to pay attention to rules about training and certification, and that they should be democratically discussed and accepted by the relevant bodies. These rules should not question status that members already got by their certification. It is important to understand that CPD / Continuing professional Development which EAP defined that has to be 50 hours per year / have no defined topics. Content is chosen by professionals in regard to their professional interests and responsibility among forms that are in EAP list / courses, supervision, conferences, activities in associations, courses for trainers & supervisors/. EAP accepted that 20% of CPD could also be personal therapy.

EAP will vote in October 2020 for two amendments of Strasbourg declaration in psychotherapy:

1.Psychotherapy can be achieved through Academic education.

2. EAP psychotherapy modality cannot be copyright protected.

Since these changes can influence the work of psychotherapists and trainers in psychotherapy I need the opinion of Executive about EATA’s position. I recommend final decision about this matter to be voted by the EATA Council.

Marina Banic,

EATA Representative in EAP                        

Free Online TA Conference

Här är ett erbjudande om en möjlighet att ta del av en gratis livestream från England på lördag 29 februari! Läs mer i meddelandet från Beren Aldridge, EATA-representant i England och följ länken nedan!

”I organise a not-for-profit regional TA conference in the UK which is happening on February 29th.  Every year we offer a free On-line Livestream so that TA trainees and practitioners from other parts of the world might join us at the conference. Last year we had over 300 people watching the Livestream from different parts of the world. This year’s conference theme is Transactional Analysis: A variety of influences, a variety of practices, and our keynote is provided by Robin Hobbes, who you will know as EATA’s ethics advisor. There will also be two conference workshops streamed live. In the morning, our workshop will be by Nicole Addis, entitled ‘ENGAGE – MENT A Relational Approach to Being There!’, and in the afternoon, our workshop will be by Celia Chambers, entitled, ‘WTF? (What’s The Function?) – How Applied Behaviour Analysis Can Enrich TA’. I’d be grateful if you would consider using your link to your national organisations to share this opportunity to the TA community in your country.” Registration for the Livestream can happen at the web address below:
